First off, I don't need PETA all over me...I don't hate on you for wanting to save the snakes so don't hate on me for wanting to skin them. ;) ....As you might have assumed I HATE snakes and lizards and am terrified of them as well. I don't mean jump and scream I mean throw up and cry possible phobia! I HATE THEM. Well, this evening as I was changing to get ready for the dreaded date with my treadmill I noticed one of those little inch/ two inch long clear little ghecko things run across my bathroom wall. I lost it. My first response was to run. Which is unusual because my normal flight/ fight reaction is fight however I just ran. Pantless...down my hallway. I dunno where I was going? Perhaps to Charlie to save her from the big bad two inch godzilla lizard? I got to her door and realized I had ran and proceeded to run BACK to my bathroom, still...pantless...once in the bathroom I decided to fight the beast. Usually on any given day I have AT LEAST one pair of shoes in my bathroom or in my bedroom floor..but NO I just happen to be on this whole cleaning/organization kick! I frantically looked around for a weapon as the lil devil watched and finally decided on a candle stick (I realize this is begining to sound like a bad game of was the pantless mom, in the bathroom, with the candlestick! lol) as I struck at the wall I realized what I thought was the lizard was indeed NOT so I then begin to curse about needing glasses. I gave a few more blind wacks and then decided he had escaped. I removed everything from the trashcan, my rug, opened cabinets, I woulda taken out the toilet had I been able too...nothing. I closed the door ( because clearly that will keep him in there) and prayed I would be able to sleep some because now I know I will swear he is in bed with me!!! I am now googling "lizard repelent"....And this my friends is EXACTLY why reptiles belong on HANDBAGS!!!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Reptiles belong on HANDBAGS!!
Posted by The Domestic Diva at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
From Prada to Pampers
This may be the strangest thing you have ever read, and Pampers you can pay me later ,but lemme tell ya'll I am in LOVE with a new "designer" lol. So usually this would be a post about an amazing Prada hand bag I wanted/needed/secretly bought and prayed my husband didn't find out...however times they are a changin' and this is indeed a post about Pampers and my love for the "blue stipe wetness indicator".
I dunno how many diapers you have changed, but it feels like a giant game of Russian Roullette when you are deciding if indeed the diaper is done for. There are many have your "squeezers" ya know the ones....they just reach on up and squeeze the toosh and to see if it is soggy. Well two reasons why this is not a good technique 1. you risk squeezing "stuff" OUT of the diaper and that can get ugly FAST 2. Sometimes you just get it wrong may feel a lil cushy and you go through the hassle of undoing the gosh forsaken onesie snaps that lock together like they are protecting precious treasures and open er' on up to nothing!....another method are the "swipers" ...takes a gutsy person to do this I will give you that they are the ones that just stick the fingers on in (usually also the ones with multiple children who are no longer afraid of the potentials hidden inside said diaper.) I don't think I even need to list the possible hazards of this method?! You also have your sniffers, your full checkers etc, and then you have the Pampers swaddlers..they have the amazing and magic "blue line" it's like the "double C" logo for baby butts! What is this magic line? It takes the guess work out of "is the diaper dirty" game; if the diaper is wet or dirty the line turns blue! Consequently the darker the blue the more preparation you know is required for that grand reveal! My dad's favorite thing is to holler "BLUE STRIPE" lol as if he found a prize egg on Easter. Well done Pampers...well done...
"Gammy" and "Daddy" changing Charlie's first "blue stripe" in the hospital

Posted by The Domestic Diva at 11:22 PM 0 comments
SHE'S HERE!!! Meet the new diva in training!
Well well well... look who is BACK! After a horrific pregnancy followed by a delivery that could have been featured on one of those scify exercism shows, we proudly welcomed our perfect baby girl on April 22. She was a whole 3 weeks early (she has been trying to make her debut since she was 29 weeks!!) and she was a whopping 8lbs and 20 inches long (yes I gave birth to a toddler) and since mommy's epideral didn't take I got to experience every last bit of the "miracle" (or should we say torture) of child bearing...lemme just say we will not be having any more lil munchkins in the near future. Enough about that! I am going to brag about my rhinestoned, big bow wearing, BLUE eyed girl!!! (if you know me and my italian-esque family the BLUE eyes are a BIG deal in the family of big brown peepers)
She is now a whole 14 weeks old, and daddy is still "serving" our country in South Korea lol...I have never in my life enjoyed something so much, or felt a love like I have since the day of her arrival. Who knew you could enjoy being woken up at all hours of the night, puked on, peed on, pooped on, and looking like you don't own a hair brush so much?!
If you hate "adventure in mommy land" type posts then you should probably not read the next few articles I post, however, if you've read any of mine before I can assure you that I have been blessed with the ability to not do ANYTHING the normal or easy way (not inentionally it just seems to be in my nature) so I assure you a good laugh, and a GREAT reminder to take that birth control *wink* NOW for the fun part; please feel free to ooh-ahh and OH EM GEE at the following pictures all you want, I feel pretty confident in saying that we have been blessed beyond measure and I look forward to every day I am gifted enought to spend with this smiley, strong willed, adorable little girl.
CHARLSIE MARIE: (2 weeks old, photographs by the amazing Taryn Southern of "Taryn Southern Photography")
Posted by The Domestic Diva at 10:32 PM 0 comments